How Much is an Old Kenmore Sewing Machine? Find Out Now! 2023

How Much Is An Old Kenmore Sewing Machine

How much is an old Kenmore sewing machine worth? The answer depends solely on its condition. If it has no obvious signs of repair or damage, then you should expect to pay between $50 and $100. On the other hand, a machine that looks extremely worn out may fetch you anywhere from $200 to $500.

Oldest Kenmore Sewing Machine 1938
Oldest Kenmore Sewing Machine

An older sewing machine may look pretty ordinary, but it contains a wealth of information that can tell you a lot about its history. From where did it originate to who designed it, knowing this kind of information helps you determine its value. For example, if you knew that it was manufactured in the early 1900s, you would probably lower your expectations. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about Kenmore sewing machines.

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Vintage And Antique: Sears Sewing Machines

The brand Kenmore was introduced in 1887 by the American retailer Sears & Roebuck Co. The company was founded in Chicago in the late 1800s by brothers Alvah and Richard Mather. They opened up a small retail store selling hardware items like sewing machines. In 1893, the company moved into manufacturing sewing machines under the brand name “Kenmore.”

During the late 19th century, the company expanded rapidly throughout North America. By 1900, the company owned over 2,500 stores and employed about 30,000 people. In 1902, Sears bought out his brother’s stake in the company and became the sole owner.

In 1925, the company began producing electric motors for home appliances. This led to the development of washing machines, vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, etc. During World War II, the company produced aircraft engines. After the war, the company focused on developing household appliances.

It had a major boom in the late 19th and start of the 20th centuries. Janome was the first Japanese company who started manufacturing Kenmore sewing machines!

Today, Kenmore (an electric-powered rotary sewing machine) is one of the most popular brands among sewing machine manufacturers.

How Much is an Old Kenmore Sewing Machine: Age Matters!

The age of your Kenmore vintage machine is a very important factor to consider when you are looking for the best value. There are many factors that go into determining what makes a good value, and one of them is the age of your machine.

If you have an older model, it may be worth considering upgrading to a newer model if you can find one at a reasonable price. However, if you want to get the most bang for your buck, you should buy a new machine.

If you don’t know how old your machine is, you can check the serial number on the back of the unit. You can also take a picture of the label with your phone and upload it to Google Images.

Once there, search for the exact same item and compare the pictures side-by-side. If you see any differences, you can use those as clues to help you figure out the age of your machine with more accuracy.

Here Are Some Things You Need To Know When Buying a Kenmore Sewing Machine

A Sears Kenmore sewing machine is an excellent choice if you want a reliable machine at a reasonable price. However, there are some important factors to consider before buying one.

  • Make sure that you buy a Kenmore sewing machine that has been properly maintained.
  • Look for a model that has a warranty on parts and labor.
  • Check the condition of the machine carefully before purchasing it.
  • Ask yourself whether you really need a new sewing machine.
  • Consider getting a used machine if you’re looking for something inexpensive.
  • Read reviews online about different models of sewing machines.
  • Don’t forget to check the manual for any special features that may be included with the machine.

Top 7 Old Models of Sears Kenmore Sewing Machine: Purchase Even Today!

Sears Kenmore vintage machines are one of the top brands of sewing machines available today. These machines are known for their quality and durability.

There are several models of Kenmore sewing machines available today. Here are seven old models of Kenmore sewing machines that you can still purchase today:

1. Model #1250

This model was released in 1950. It has an electric motor and features a built-in needle threader.

Model 1250

2. Model #1300

This sewing machine was introduced in 1960. It has a built-in bobbin winder and a foot pedal control.

Kenmore sewing machine model 1300
Kenmore sewing machine model 1300

3. Model #1420

This machine was first released in 1962. It has a built-in automatic feed dog and a built-in stitch regulator.

antique 1962 sears Kenmore

4. Model #1530

This was released in 1963. It has a built-in automatic feed dog and a foot pedal control for speed adjustment. it’s a gear-driven mechanical sewing machine. Model 1560 came in a really cool cosmetic condition.

Kenmore sewing machine 1963 model
Kenmore sewing machine 1963 model

5. Model #1640

This is another popular model of Kenmore sewing machine. It was released in 1964. It has a built-in automatic feed dog and an adjustable speed dial.

Kenmore sewing machine 1964 model
Kenmore sewing machine 1964 model

6. Model #1760

This Kenmore sewing machine was released in 1965. It has a built-in automatic feed dog and an automatic buttonhole maker.

Kenmore sewing machine 1965 model
Kenmore sewing machine 1965 model

7. Model #1880

This last model of Kenmore sewing machines was released in 1966. It has a built-in automatic feed dog for free motion sewing and an automatic buttonhole maker.

Kenmore sewing machine 1966 year
Kenmore sewing machine 1966 year

How To Fix a Non-Working Kenmore Sewing Machine

Sears Kenmore vintage machines have many parts that require some maintenance. If you’re looking to save money on repairs, there are ways to fix old machines without spending too much cash.

You don’t necessarily need to buy a brand new one either; just make sure that you know how to properly maintain and repair your old Kenmore sewing machine.

The following tips will help you diagnose problems and perform simple repairs on your vintage sewing machine.

1. Check Your Motor

First things first, check out your motor. Sears Kenmore machines are known due for its powerful motor. This part requires the least amount of work and could potentially cost less than $10. Simply turn off the power switch, open the cover plate, and look inside the motor housing. Make sure the brushes aren’t worn down and the commutator isn’t cracked. If everything looks good, replace the brushes and clean the commutator.

2. Clean Out The Belt Tensioner

Next, take apart the tensioner and give it a thorough cleaning. Remove the belt, lubricate the pulley, and wipe away any excess grease. Replace the belt and tighten the tensioner bolts.

3. Lubricate The Drive Shaft And Pinion Gear

If your drive shaft is dirty or has excessive wear, it can cause your machine to jam. Simply remove the pinion gear from the drive shaft and lube it with oil. Then reassemble the unit.

4. Replace The Needle Plate

If your needle plate is damaged, it may be time for a replacement. First, loosen the screws holding the needle plate in place. Next, pull the needle plate off the machine. Finally, use a screwdriver to pry up the damaged area until the entire piece comes free.

5. Adjust The Thread Sorter

Thread sorters are often the most difficult part of a sewing machine to adjust. However, if they’re not working correctly, it’s possible to damage your machine by adjusting them incorrectly.

To adjust the thread sorter, follow these steps:

  • Unscrew the two screws at the top of the thread sorter.
  • Slide the guide bar into the slot.
  • Screw the two screws back onto the thread sorter. Tighten them so that the guide bar rests firmly against the teeth of the spool.
  • Reinstall the needle plate.

Old Kenmore Sewing Machine: Parts and Accessories

  1. An old Sears Kenmore vintage machine is a great investment due to its powerful motor. But there are many parts and accessories available to help you use this antique piece of equipment to its fullest potential.
  2. Here are some tips to keep in mind when buying parts and accessories for your old Kenmore sewing machine.
  3. Buy quality parts and accessories. Quality parts and accessories last longer than cheap ones. They’re usually made out of better materials, too.
  4. Look for compatible parts and accessories. Make sure you buy compatible parts and accessories for your Kenmore sewing machine. This means that the parts and accessories work together well.
  5. Check compatibility online. Many websites offer reviews of compatible parts and accessories. Read these reviews carefully to ensure that the parts and accessories you purchase are compatible with your Kenmore sewing machine and will not damage it.
  6. Buy only what you need. Don’t overbuy. Keep in mind that you may never use every single part and accessory you buy. So save yourself some cash by buying just what you need.
  7. Shop at reputable retailers. Reputable retailers sell quality parts and accessories at competitive prices. They also offer free shipping on most orders.
  8. Be patient. Buying parts and accessories for your sewing machine takes patience. You may be able to find everything you need at once, but it’s often cheaper to buy small quantities of each item separately.
  9. Save money by buying used parts and accessories. Used parts and accessories are often cheaper than brand-new items. And sometimes you can find them at garage sales or thrift stores.
  10. Ask questions. Before you buy any parts and accessories, ask friends and family who own similar machines. They may have recommendations for you.
  11. Consider investing in a professional repair kit. Investing in a professional repair kit is a smart move because it saves you time and money. Plus, it helps prevent future problems.
  12. Know where to go for repairs. Your local Sears store or another large retailer should carry replacement parts for your Kenmore sewing machines.

Old Sears Kenmore Sewing Machines: Where Can You Find Them?

There are still many places available physically or online from where you could buy vintage Sears Kenmore sewing machines.

Vintage Kenmore sewing machines are often found at thrift shops or garage sales, but sometimes they can be purchased online as well. Many people prefer buying used items instead of brand-new ones because they know exactly what condition the item is in and don’t have to worry about any hidden problems.

Some of the best places to look for vintage Kenmore sewing machines include eBay, Craigslist, Amazon, Etsy, eBay, and even local thrift stores.

Most Common Issues in Old Kenmore Sewing Machines

The most common reason why old Kenmore sewing machine models stop working is that it has lost their power supply.

  1. The presser foot isn’t moving properly
  2. The needle threader isn’t working
  3. The bobbin case is worn out
  4. The bobbin case isn’t turning
  5. The bobbin case threads aren’t feeding
  6. The bobbin case thread tension isn’t set correctly
  7. The bobbin case drive shaft isn’t turning
  8. The bobbin case motor isn’t spinning
  9. The bobbin case belt isn’t tight
  10. The bobbin case clutch isn’t engaging

Another issue that could cause your machine to stop working is the loss of the power cord. This happens quite often. To prevent this problem, always secure the power cord properly. Don’t let it detach accidentally.

If your sewing machine model doesn’t work anymore, there are several reasons behind it. One of those reasons is the broken needle. When you replace a needle, make sure that you do it correctly. A broken needle could lead to thread jams and other complications.

You can also experience similar problems with your sewing machine due to the damage caused by the threads. In case you notice that the threads are tangled up, you must take care of it immediately. Otherwise, you might end up having to pay a lot of money to repair it.

A faulty motor could also be the reason behind your machine stopping working. If you notice any noise coming out of the machine, you should call a professional technician to fix it.

How To Take Care Of Your Antique Kenmore Sewing Machine

An antique sewing machine is a beautiful piece of history. But it’s not just any old piece of history; it’s a valuable heirloom that deserves proper care.

If you’re lucky enough to own an antique sewing machine, here are some tips to keep it running smoothly.

First, clean out the machine regularly. This includes removing lint from the bobbin case, cleaning the needle plate, and checking the oil level.

Next, lubricate the parts that need lubrication. Lubricating the bearings helps them last longer and reduces friction.

Finally, take care of the machine’s electrical connections. Make sure the power cord is securely attached and free of kinks. Also, be careful when plugging and unplugging the machine. Don’t use extension cords or place the machine near heat sources.

Keep these simple steps in mind to ensure your antique sewing machine lasts for years to come.

Can An Old Kenmore Sewing Machine Sell on Auction?

An old Kenmore sewing machine is worth $50-$100 at most antique stores. But what if you found used Kenmore sewing machines for sale online for only $10? Would you be willing to pay that price for an old sewing machine?

Make sure to have a nice wooden cabinet for its packaging!

If you answered yes, then you’re ready to sell your old sewing machine on eBay. The trick is finding a buyer who wants to purchase your old sewing machine.

To find buyers, search eBay for similar items. Look for listings where the seller offers free shipping. Then contact those sellers and ask them if they’d consider selling their item for $10. If they say no, move on to another listing.

Once you’ve contacted several sellers, you should have enough information to determine whether your old sewing machine would sell for $10. If not, try contacting different sellers until you find one who agrees to sell your sewing machine for $10.

When you find a seller who’s interested in buying your sewing machine, negotiate the final price. Be prepared to offer a lower price than the asking price. This is because some sellers may be motivated to unload their old sewing machines quickly.

After you reach an agreement on the final price, send the seller a PayPal invoice. Once the seller receives the payment, he or she must ship your sewing machine within 24 hours.

If you receive the sewing machine within the specified timeframe, great! Otherwise, wait for the next day to hear back from the seller. If the seller doesn’t respond after two days, call him or her again.

If you still haven’t heard from the seller after three days, assume the deal fell through. Don’t worry; there are plenty of other sellers out there looking to buy your old sewing machine.

Is There Still A Value For an Old Kenmore Sewing Machine?

Kenmore sewing machines were once considered the Rolls Royce of sewing machines. They’re still made today, but not many people use them anymore. So, is there still value for an old Kenmore sewing machine?

Well, yes and no. Yes, because some people still use them, and they’re still very useful. No, because most people who own a Kenmore sewing machine would rather spend their money on newer models.

But, if you’re looking to sell an old Kenmore sewing machine when you find one, here are some tips to help you maximize its value.

First, check eBay to see if someone else already listed the machine for sale. This will save you time and money. Second, look up the model number online to get a rough idea of what the machine might be worth.

Third, take pictures of the machine and upload them to sites like Flickr or Instagram. Fourth, use the keywords “Kenmore sewing machine” and “old sewing machines” to increase your chances of getting found by potential buyers.

Finally, don’t forget to add a description of the machine and include details like the brand name, serial number, and condition.


In conclusion, if you have an old Kenmore sewing machine lying around, you should definitely consider selling it online. There are tons of sites where you can sell used items like this, and eBay is one of the most popular options. Just remember to price it right (it doesn’t hurt to ask someone else’s opinion), and you’ll soon find yourself with cash in hand.


What is the best way to find a manual for an Old Kenmore sewing machine?

If you’re having trouble finding a manual for your old Kenmore sewing machine, you may be able to find one by contacting the manufacturer. However, if you’d like to save yourself some time, you can always try eBay.

Do antique Kenmore sewing machines still exist today?

Yes! There are many different models of Kenmore sewing machines available today. Some of these models include the Kenmore Elite, Kenmore Pro, Kenmore Junior, Kenmore Artisan, Kenmore Classic, Kenmore Deluxe, Kenmore Platinum, and Kenmore Elite Plus.